12 Days of Groomer Giving - Groomer to Groomer Magazine

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12 Days of Groomer Giving

By Khris Berry

Long hours, extra care, fitting just one more pet onto your schedule, helping one more client—the ways that groomers give of themselves are innumerable. But, what if you pause and think of the things you can give to yourself this season?

The season of giving is in full swing. Groomers are giving themselves and their talents to pets all across the globe. Long hours, extra care, fitting just one more pet onto your schedule, helping one more client—the ways that groomers give of themselves are innumerable. But, what if you pause and think of the things you can give to yourself this season? Here are my Twelve Days of Giving…groomer style.

On the first day of Christmas, you should give yourself a break. Take time to actually sit down for lunch. Walk away from your table and take a deep breath. Take a moment to reflect on your year in the grooming industry and all of the pets and owners you have served. Pat yourself on the back—you work in a high–demand career with a great job outlook for the future. 

On the second day of Christmas, you should give everyone else a break. Clients, co–workers, family and friends—no one understands the stress you will feel while grooming during the holidays. Exercise patience, understanding and kindness, even when you are tired and overworked; when your co–workers are grating your nerves; and when your client asks for a puppy cut on her matted doodle. This too shall pass.

On the third day of Christmas, invest in your future. Gift yourself a calendar and make plans to attend your favorite trade show in 2020—or a few of them. Education and innovation are at an all–time high in the grooming industry—get out and immerse yourself into your industry.


On the fourth day of Christmas, give yourself a new tip or trick to spice up your holiday grooming. From improving your drying time to improving your poodle trims—find a new trick that you can showcase during your holiday grooms and enjoy! Practice makes perfect and there’s no time like the holidays to gain experience and practice.

On the fifth day of Christmas, buy yourself some shears! Or clippers. Or new nail trimmers. Or replace your worn or broken equipment. Use this time to either upgrade or invest in your equipment—it’s your lifeline to success. Make sure that your equipment is in good working order with no missing or broken parts. While this seems like a tall challenge when you are so busy, making sure you have updated and functional equipment will allow you to coast through the holidays with a little less stress.

On the six day of Christmas, gift yourself the gift of health. Schedule a checkup with your doctor, dentist, eye doctor, therapist—whichever professional you rely on to keep you running. Many of us neglect our own physical needs; remember, your body is the most important tool you have.

On the seventh day of Christmas, products! Wash, dry, condition, spritz, spray, color and shine—there is a product for every groomer and a groomer for every product. Allow yourself the luxury of trying something new. Now is a great time to invest in products to make your tasks easier and your grooms pop. 

On the eighth day of Christmas, give yourself the gift of a budget to manage your finances wisely in the coming year. Holiday tips are a great resource to give you a leg up on taking control of your finances. Saving for something special? Tackling credit cards? Allow yourself the luxury of being in control of your finances and your destiny—make those tips count!

On the ninth day of Christmas, you should give yourself a massage (or a pedicure, or a manicure, or a spa day, or a trip to the hairdresser). Whatever makes you feel special, invest in yourself. You work hard and you deserve a reward. Enjoy!

On the tenth day of Christmas, give yourself a goal. There are many things that you can achieve in the grooming industry; you decide which you will accomplish in 2020. Perhaps you’ve been considering certification? Maybe you want to open your own business? Expansion? Improve your skills or time management? Your goal can be as unique as you, so gift yourself the ability to dream big.

On the eleventh day of Christmas, give yourself the gift of safety. Make sure you have the necessary tools to execute even the most difficult groom or nail trim safely for yourself and the pet in your care. Check your muzzles to ensure that you have all necessary sizes so every guest can wear a properly fitted restraint. And amp up your own handling skills. As our pet–owning public changes, so do their pets and the way they fit into society. Ensuring that you are up to date on proper and acceptable animal handling techniques will ensure your safety for the long term.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, give yourself time off. Take whatever time you need or can afford. Taking time off will allow your body to heal. Long hours of standing, leaning, scissoring and walking take their toll. Taking time off will allow your mind to heal. The strain and exhaustion of the holiday will take their toll on even the most seasoned groomer. Go rest, groomer, there will be dogs waiting for you when you return. 

Happy Holidays! ✂️

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