Good, Better, Best - Groomer to Groomer

Defining Best Practices For Your Salon

Good, Better, Best

By Khris Batts

Best Practices for your salon are defined as a set of guidelines that you practice to complete your services in the highest manner for your clients and their pets. For many groomers, they are already in place yet not written or defined. You may have a certain way you greet your client, a particular way you like to complete a nail trim, or even a preferred style for your pet Bichon heads. These are called Best Practices and every groomer and salon owner should seek to identify their own to help elevate the professionalism in their salon.

Whether you work alone or in a bustling shop with many groomers, defining Best Practices for your salon will help you have a basic standard on which to build a grooming business. Your clients will appreciate the consistency and uniformity in their pet’s finished grooming. Additionally, when they recommend friends to your salon, they can be assured that their friends will enjoy a similar experience. Identifying Best Practices helps reduce both client turnover and increase client/groomer conversation.

One such example is the hot topic of ear-plucking during the grooming process. In recent years, many veterinarians are beginning to suggest that ear hair should be left in a natural state in the ear canal. On the other side, many veterinarians still counsel the hair should be removed and instruct their clients to ask their groomer to complete the service during each grooming appointment. We, as groomers, stand between these opinions.

This is an excellent opportunity to define a Best Practice guideline for your own salon. You can use it to educate clients, instruct them to have a conversation with their vet, and proceed as necessary based upon their wishes. In our own salons, we advise clients that the veterinarian community is divided on their recommendation and we do not pluck ears unless instructed by the client or their vet. Therefore, we are meeting the needs of the client, their medical professional, and ultimately the pet. This is how a Best Practices statement works to protect you and offers the opportunity for client education.

Defining and discussing your Best Practices offers you an opportunity to provide your client with a professional and educated approach to their grooming service. You can gather your information and begin to formulate your own Best Practices by discussing your services with other groomers, attending educational seminars, your own experiences, and speaking with other pet service providers. Your individual Best Practices will be as unique as your business and should reflect your desire to offer the client and their pet the best pet grooming experience you can provide. ✂

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