Articles - Page 57 of 96 - Groomer to Groomer

Hold The Phones

Telephones…a groomer’s best friend, a groomer’s worst nightmare. It never fails, you have a matted shave down on your grooming table, a customer waiting in the lobby, and the phone is ringing off the hook.

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Planning Ahead For Pet Loss

I spent the first ten years of my grooming career working for veterinarians. Because of this I had the unique opportunity of caring for dying pets and grieving customers. There were times when clients couldn’t manage being with their pet during euthanasia and since I was close with their pet, I would offer to take their place so their pet could have someone familiar at their side.

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Splitting Hairs

When I was a new groomer, it was common practice for customers to bring badly matted dogs in, fully expecting that we would dematt the animal. And we did. It was a routine event for groomers to invest hours removing tangles, and rarely did we charge extra. It was all in a day’s work.

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Just Surprise Me!

Toby is one of my favorite little poodle dudes. He is a faded red, oversized toy that I just happen to adore. I have to laugh when he is being checked in and my husband, who runs the grooming salon check–in for a few hours in the morning, asked Toby’s mom if she would like the same haircut as last time.

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Which Dryer Is Right For Me?

Needed not just to save time, but also to get “the right look”, pet grooming dryers are some of the most important pieces of equipment in a pet grooming salon. The decision of which to buy can be complicated. The type of dryer, available utilities, length of hose, intended location of the dryer, tolerance for sound, performance, and budget—along with a host of other factors—need to be considered.

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Cats & Dryers

Some cats shouldn’t be dried by any dryer. But for the ones that we do dry, the quieter the dryer, the better it is for the cat! Cats for the most part don’t mind being dried, they just don’t like the sound and the feeling of the forced air on their face and whiskers.

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Self Service: Is It For You?

There I was again, on my knees, bent over my bathtub, trying to give my two uncooperative Cockapoos, Molly and Oscar a bath. I have two towels under my knees to cushion them from the hard tile floor. The sudsy Molly and Oscar are jumping in and out of the bathtub, shaking dirt and suds all over the bathroom walls, and this was just the beginning of their bi-weekly bathing process.

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Grooming At Westminster

The Westminster Dog Show is held every year in mid–February in NYC. I’ve always loved going, especially as it’s just a train ride away. Last year I shadowed Leah Shirokoff and Finn. As I walked through the staging area, I realized I knew half of the groomers from our own trade shows. No wonder these dogs look so good!

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