Articles - Page 59 of 96 - Groomer to Groomer

The Real Dirt On Clay

Oh yes, give me some of that French green; that special Kaolin or Australian black. Yes, I am talking about clay. As far back as prehistoric times, humans have used clay internally and externally to relieve ailments and treat wounds. We may have followed the example of animals, who by instinct, eat and roll in mud for this very purpose.

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Disaster Preparedness

The days are gone when we can assume that emergencies and disasters happen someplace else. Weather patterns have changed dramatically over the last several years. Large cities built on fault lines are growing. We are overdeveloping land, which reduces or even eliminates natural protective barriers.

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Pet Nutrition

As a doctor of veterinary medicine, I believe nutrition is the most important daily medical decision pet owners can make for their pets.
The sad fact is that very few pet owners or veterinarians have the knowledge to make informed decisions about pet nutrition.

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Spanish Water Dog Style

Medium sized, curly dynamos pets of this breed, with their unique grooming requirements, are becoming more frequently seen on grooming tables across the country.
Accepted by the American Kennel Club in 2015, the Spanish Water Dog is appreciated by its fanciers for its intelligence, athleticism, and ability to excel at many competitive canine activities. Historically used to gather and drive small hoof stock such as sheep and goats, they were also known to assist fishermen and can be strong swimmers.

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Brat? Not Me!

We all know that we love our dogs. I’m sure you wouldn’t be reading this magazine or this story for that matter if you didn’t love dogs. We also know that we’ll put up with one heck of a lot for the sake of our furry friends.

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The Evolution Of Technology In Cat Grooming Salons

I remember the days of appointment books and post–it notes. When I first started out in grooming I kept records of my business in a simple book and scheduled my customers on a rotary phone. My schedule was easy to read, it was portable, and I could scratch out cancellations and write down new appointments. I used it multiple times a day.

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The New Grooming Salon Part II: Understanding And Negotiating The Commercial Lease

Thus far we have learned some key points relevant to property inspection, zoning ordinances and pertinent questions to ask a potential landlord regarding the property and lease. To narrow your choice further, negotiation must take place with the prospective landlord. Understanding the lease document itself is arguably one of the most important aspects of selecting a rental location.

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Scaling the Customer Loyalty Ladder… Rung by Rung

The paradigm of “customers” and the level of contribution they make to our business is ever changing. Any entrepreneur committed to long-term success has all but erased any trace of the concept that customers are a necessary evil: people who bother us with their problems, individuals that we have to “deal with.”

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Dental Disservice

Want to get veterinarians, groomers, and boarding facility management foaming at the mouth like mad dogs? Just bring up the topic of dental cleaning performed outside of the confines of a veterinary hospital. It won’t be a pretty sight…

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