Business Archives - Page 22 of 27 - Groomer to Groomer


Live Events

Get Your Business Name Out There
If I could only do one form of marketing, it would be live events. I love them! The social butterfly in me is indulged. I meet people and chitchat all day long.

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Leave Them Long

Ask the Grooming Tutor
“Hi Michell. I am struggling to get my clients to let me groom their dogs in a longer style. They all want them shaved. I am mostly speaking of Doodles, Havanese, Shih-Tzus, Poodles, and mix breeds. No one wants to pay for de-matting. They don’t bring them often enough. I am bored with my work.

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Anatomy of an Ad

I am the proud owner of a new grooming van. It was as much as a surprise for me as it was for my friends and clients as I planned on retiring from grooming soon. In anticipation of retirement, I did not replace most of my clients that passed away or moved. It was a pretty sweet schedule, as I did not have a lot of expenses that necessitated a full roster.

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Easy Ways to Cash In

The Art of Retailing
If you have been grooming for any length of time, you know how physically demanding it can be. Sometimes, by the end of the day, you are ready to drop. Don’t you wish you had a way to increase your income without all that back-breaking work?

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Setting Up a Business

It is no secret that I am moving in a parallel direction to grooming. Several times a week, I would pass by and notice an office for rent, which overlooked a golf course. I could hear it call my name. I am not sure what took so long (maybe fear), but on New Year’s Eve 2012, I made the decision to follow my dream and open up a Reiki Wellness and Educational Center for both people and animals.

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Client Communication

Although your official job title may be “Professional Pet Stylist,” it’s a safe bet that many of your clients also expect you to be a mind reader. Whether you have been grooming for only a few months or for 30-plus years, lots of pet owners think that you should automatically know exactly how they want their precious pet groomed.

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Grooming Software

Don’t be Terrified of Technology
To boldly go where no one had gone before! That was the mission of the Starship Enterprise. It’s kind of the same situation for groomers who have never used business software.

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Getting Organized

My life as a groomer is controlled insanity. Trying to service clients, balance family, and get time for myself often leaves me pulling chunks of hair out and mumbling in a corner. To add insult to injury, the more hectic life gets, the more keeping organized and tidy takes a backseat.

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Adding Training Services to Your Grooming Menu

Adding training services specifically for the grooming experience is an extremely easy and profitable addition to grooming salons. Simple training services offer benefits for the dogs, their owners, and the grooming staff. Dog trainers and veterinarians are consistently looking to refer clients to salons that are able to offer dogs the benefit of a low-stress experience. Becoming such a salon is easier than it sounds.

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