Life Archives - Page 12 of 25 - Groomer to Groomer


Groomer Resolutions

Groomer Resolutions

It’s nearing the time to call 2018 a wrap and kick off a fresh, brand new year. Whether you believe in New Year’s Resolutions or not, this is a good time to reflect on what you accomplished in the months past and look ahead to plans for the days ahead.

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Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the Cycle

It happens to all of us. It is that customer with that dog (or cat!). The people are perfectly nice. The pet is fine to work with. But there is a recurring problem, and it can create a vicious cycle. It goes something like this:

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Family Matters

Family Matters

When you think of working families, you may instantly think of farming, carpentry or construction trades, small retail stores such as jewelers, or even the death–defying acts like the Flying Wallendas. I, however, instantly think of Pet Services businesses.

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Grooming Controversies

Grooming Controversies

It might be hard to believe, but there are grooming practices that drum up quite a bit of controversy in our industry. What is common practice for some groomers might be considered to be reckless or dangerous practice by others.

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