Elf Ren Omboy
Several months ago, I shared with you our new little guy, Ren the Mini poodle. Destined […]
Several months ago, I shared with you our new little guy, Ren the Mini poodle. Destined […]
Well, another year has come and almost gone. The busy summer grooming season is winding down, and just when we think we can take a break and relax, we come to the realization that the holiday season is just around the corner. Every groomer knows what I am talking about.
Christmas Bling and Things Read More
Yes, the holidays are coming. Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas—the wonderful times of the year when we all shop, bake cookies, decorate, go to parties, and relax with our friends and family. Yeh, right… Not if you are a typical groomer. For most groomers, ‘tis the season to work, work, work with very little time for relaxing or anything else, but it doesn’t have to be all work and no play this year. It’s all in how you prepare for it.
The Holidays Are Coming! Read More
During this time of holiday gifting, I suggest you take some time to consider some grooming tools that you could (and should) either ask for as gifts or put your holiday tip money towards. Why? For several reasons:
You work hard and deserve to have the best tools for your work.
What happened to the year? It seems like just yesterday that we were all wondering if the country was ever going to be released from the grip of that never ending winter. I walked into Costco the other day and saw Christmas decorations! (Mind you, I am writing this column in early September!)
A Busy Salon’s Holiday Checklist Read More